Today I think my co-worker and I hit stress level max. For her she has a million projects going on right now. Me, I think I might have some sympathy stress for her plus some. We are working on editing our 4-H kids scholarships. They send it in and within hours most of the time we send it back with more corrections and additions. This kid is way more stressed about these than the kids I'm sure. I don't think they get it. I wish they did. I also wish they could all walk the stage and get $18,000 for their college education because the good Lord knows they need it.
I think I woke up this morning will all my little nerve endings buzzing. Before 8am I was already feeling anxiety over nothing.
I battle this on and off. A lot of the time, I feel normal (what does normal feel like). Some days, it is an emotional rollercoaster. Normal days, the roller coaster looks like any other. It reaches to the sky and swoops down to the bottom. Little water feature near the bottom so you think you might land in it. Typical rollercoaster. The not normal days it gets exciting. Same roller coaster however when it leaves the loading dock it goes 0 to 300 mph in a blink of an eye. When it climbs to the top it shows no sign of slowing down. Imagine all the little people riding in this unsuspecting rollercoaster. They get to the top and FLY out of their seats!!! Then on the way back down, roller coaster still moving like lightening ENTERS the water feature. Poor peeps, heads underwater, sinking. Then the roller coaster keeps going.
By time it gets to the loading dock, everyone is in shock. System overload and life has flashed before their eyes. Crazy.
BTW did I mention I HATE roller coasters. This was just the best comparision I could think of.
On those days there are tears. Sometimes lots of them. Sometimes it means getting back into bed and getting a system restart via a nap.
I am not having one of those days. Thank the Lord and give me strength when those days come.