March was, like always, fast and furious. Sadly, April has more events than March. B will be gone to missile/rocket training (is there a difference???) and I have event on top of event for work. Each Saturday I am working, the nice thing is that B will be working too! K is along for the ride.
Kid little was grounded this week for peeling paint off the door in her bathroom. It's something I would have done at her age and yet I painted a custom painted van pink instead. I remember thinking that death had rained upon me when I got into trouble, interesting enough I cannot remember the punishment. It's weird how we remember the most random stuff.
March highlights
Impromptu photo session with mom.
Youth Fair! Front page with a new family!
Easter Egg hunt ... Lots of yummy goodies!
We mustache you a question...
The nephew and his Uncle B!
Happy Birthday K!!
**All Iphone pictures.. I need to bust out my trusty camera this month!